There are occasions when I'd like to execute some long-running task
in the background, in response to some user action.  It seems that
PHP has all the neccesary mechanisms to allow me to do this, but
in my perusing of the manuals/FAQ's/digests, etc, I don't see such 
a facility.  

For example, I'd like to do something like this:

function long_running_background_task() 

function handle_some_action() 
        fork (long_running_background_task);

In the cases I'd like to do this, I can manage synchronization
(i.e., implement join by waiting for a /tmp file to appear or
so I'm not asking for a join, or any sychronization facilities.

Does anyone agree that this would be useful?  Is there another way to
accomplish this? Better yet, does this function already exist, but has
managed to hide for all this time...?


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