> > Well, without the Encoder the entire *possibility* of "seriously
> > kickass scripts" that people distribute and sell is out of the question.
> If there are some things you really need to hide, and perhaps also really
> need to make fast, then write yourself a PHP extension in C that

I dunno...  Once you start writing chunks of it in C code, it doesn't really
seem like a script to me...

And let's not forget why you started PHP in the first place -- Not everybody
who has a cool idea can wrap their brain around the monster that is C.

I daresay anybody that can afford the $6000 can probably afford to hire a C
hacker for the bits they can maybe figure out as modular and critical enough
to go that route... If they can even modularize the "critical" bits from the
rest at all.

But at that point, it starts to look a lot more like a C program with some
interface widgets in PHP, rather than a PHP script really.

I *do* see your point though, and it's perfectly valid.  Some people *can*
write extensions in C and go that route, so Jim's statement was a bit

But you'd sure have to pay me way more than $6000 to hack in C again. :-)

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