> You are entirely correct.  However, I (personally) feel that by pricing it
> high you're targeting a very small niche market at a higher rate.  Pricing
> in the "$300.00" range would not cost you that niche - but it would gain
> the "x-million" users/freelance developers.  Sure, $6,000 is 20x $300, but
> it's ONLY x20.  When you're talking about a userbase on the 'net, x20 is
> NOTHING.  "Go big and expensive" seems the "old way" and "go small and
> dominate the market" seems the new...um, paradigm.  (Yes, I just wanted
> to say that word.  For all it's overuse, I think it just looks neat.)

Unfortunately, it's not that simple.

You haven't factored in Support costs nor administrative overhead nor...
Well, I don't know what else the Marketing folks do when they figure these
things out, but that's why I'm not in Marketing, eh?

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