> lagi wrote:
>> They can charge the big companies who pay the microsoft tax for the
>> extra nannying that they need/want/expect but why give the razor free
>> and then charge  $6000  per  blade? Charge a nobrainer price (for a
>> limited period) and we would all jump in i predict.
> You mean like the Commercial Subscription ($70/month) ?? The Encoder SE
> is available with that plan. In fact, that's almost the whole idea
> behind the Commercial subscription: to allow a very low entry for
> access to the Encoder technology.
As I said before, This encoder stuff may be great for companies that sell 
software and that kind of recurring $70 cost make sense when you are 
selling a product. But, If you are an occasional freelance programmer or 
use php for just your companies sight you could probably care less about 

I just want the debugger. Thats it. I hope they make some kind of allowance 
for this as was hinted before but that isn't what Zend told me when I 
inquired about it. They just said "No, but your opinions are considered". 
Obviously Zend can do whatever they want with their own products. I just 
think that something between illeagal and everything should be offered to 
maximize sales.

Also, Does anyone know if the IDE works on the snapshots? I didn't see 
anything to preclude it but it seemed to come packaged with a PHP version. 
I wouldn't want to give up the ability to code with the latest function to 
use an IDE. I guess I could just do without for that instance.

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