I am trying to build a multi-part form and am
using the example from the book Beginning PHP4
by Choi, Kent, Lea, et al. in chapter 8.
Here's what I want to do -
form_page1 - 10 input fields size=3
then onwards to
form_page2 - 5 input fields size=3
then onwards to 
form_page3 - 5 input fields size=3
(and about 5 or 6 pages more)
form_page10 has submit button
then the thankyou page with a list of the
items chosen on the previous pages.

These items will be brochures, the text-boxes
are for a quantity. Most people will only want
one but our authorized dealers can order as 
many as they need, whence the need for the 
size being 3 characters.

In the example in the book they use a drop-
down list, so only one item on the list can be
chosen, this won't work for me. 

How do I store all the choices from each subsequent
page and bring them all together on the final page?


Chip Wiegand
Alternative Operating Systems

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