
Sessions aren't my forte, but I can't see where you're registering your
session variables. You need to do more than simply use 'session_start' if
using sessions ...
perhaps you're doing this on another page, but if not you'll need to
register variables using 'session_register'. You'll also need 'session_id'
as far as I know. 

The manual at should fill you in some more,
and there are a couple of tutes out there as well ( has one
I think).


On Tue, 30 Jan 2001, Chip wrote:

> Michael Hall wrote:
> > , you
> > have session variables or writing information a database or 
> > file.
> Hi Michael,
> I have set up a couple test pages using session variable like
> this:
> ---------------------------------------
> <?
> session_start();
> ?>
> <html>
> <head>
> </head>
> <body>
> <?
> if (isset($radars_form))
>       {
>       $products = $radars_form;
>       session_register( "products" );
>       print "<p>Your products have been registered</p>";
>       }
> ?>
> <form method=post> 
> <select name="radars_form[]" multiple size=6>
> <option>RA772
> <option>RA40 Series
> <option>RA720
> <option>RA723
> <option>RA725
> <option>RA713
> <option>Radars General
> </select>
> <p />
> <input type="submit" value="choose">
> </form>
> <a href="autopilots_form.php">Next page</a>
> </body>
> </html>
> ----------------------------------------------
> then the second page like this -
> ----------------------------------------------
> <?
> session_start();
> ?>
> <html>
> <head>
> </head>
> <body>
> <?
> if (isset($autopilots_form))
>       {
>       $products = $autopilots_form;
>       session_register( "products" );
>       print "<p>Your products have been registered</p>";
>       }
> ?>
> <form method=post> 
> <select name="autopilots_form[]" multiple size=6>
> <option>ap11
> <option>ap12/ap14
> <option>ap20 series
> <option>ap35
> <option>ap45
> <option>ap9mk3
> <option>tiller/wheel pilots
> <option>wp5000
> </select>
> <p />
> <input type="submit" value="choose">
> </form>
> <a href="plotters_form.php">Next page</a>
> </body>
> </html>
> -----------------------------------------------
> and the last one like this 
> -----------------------------------------------
> <?
> session_start();
> print session_encode();
> ?>
> <html>
> <head>
> </head>
> <body>
> <?
> if ( isset($autopilots_form))
>       {
>       print "Your choices:<ol>";
>       foreach ( $autopilots_form as $p )
>               print "<li>$p";
>       }
> if ( isset($radars_form))
>       {
>       print "Your choices:<ol>";
>       foreach ( $radars_form as $p )
>               print "<li>$p";
>       }
> ?>
> <a href="radars_form.php">back</a>
> </body>
> </html>
> -----------------------------------------
> The last won't work right because of the if statements.
> How do I get it to print all the results? I tried adding
> and between the if statements, but that doesn't work, as
> I expected, I don't see anything in my php books that will
> help with this bit. I want to be able to pick items from 
> all pages, and at the end print them to the screen and 
> email them to a person.
> I welcome any help I can get,
> Thanks
> Chip Wiegand
> > Mick
> > 
> > On Tue, 30 Jan 2001, Chip wrote:
> > 
> > > I am trying to build a multi-part form and am
> > > using the example from the book Beginning PHP4
> > > by Choi, Kent, Lea, et al. in chapter 8.
> > > Here's what I want to do -
> > > form_page1 - 10 input fields size=3
> > > then onwards to
> > > form_page2 - 5 input fields size=3
> > > then onwards to
> > > form_page3 - 5 input fields size=3
> > > (and about 5 or 6 pages more)
> > > form_page10 has submit button
> > > then the thankyou page with a list of the
> > > items chosen on the previous pages.
> > >
> > > These items will be brochures, the text-boxes
> > > are for a quantity. Most people will only want
> > > one but our authorized dealers can order as
> > > many as they need, whence the need for the
> > > size being 3 characters.
> > >
> > > In the example in the book they use a drop-
> > > down list, so only one item on the list can be
> > > chosen, this won't work for me.
> > >
> > > How do I store all the choices from each subsequent
> > > page and bring them all together on the final page?
> > >
> > > Thankyou,
> > >
> > > --
> > > Chip Wiegand
> > > Alternative Operating Systems
> > >
> -- 
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