Hi Ben,

> I know that that Java/EJB/JSP and COM/ASP is in MUCH more demand, and
> therefore command a higher wage.  Demand vs supply, right?.  A search today
> on monster.com for ASP in LA yields 142 listings, Java yields 262, JSP
> yields 32, Perl yields 105, PHP yields 16, cold fusion yields 16.

Take into account that you need 5 Java programmers where one PHP
programmer would do the job (this is not blind rage against Java; we
have recently completed a Java [ATG Dynamo] project and it has taken 10
times the resources the same solution in PHP would have needed).

> -Has the demand changed much in your city since middle of last year?
Can't tell.

> -Also, for developers who are proficient in several web dev environments, is
> it mostly true that you use PHP for your own personal projects, but some
> other language for big corporate clients.
This is true for our major client; they have decided to go to Java,
leaving us no choice but to follow. They might yet make up their mind,
as ATG Dynamo and Oracle bring in licensing costs of ~ $1m.

> -What is the perception of PHP for mid/large organizations with more to
> risk?
A lot of IT consultants will recommend something expensive so that they
can claim they wanted a 'bussiness standard' if there are problems. Get
more trouble when you have recommended Open Source [*sigh*]. I still
wouldn't, though.

> -What can we as a developer community do to change this?
Prove that Open Source is working, and better than many commercial
solutions, too.


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