> So how do you know what to charge when youre independent and just

Actually you don`t. I doubt very many of us actually know what would be
the only right price to set, I think there`s no such thing. It`s
negotiable, usually. You just have to sell youreself, think of some
company you could sell your services to, make some written offer, don`t
send it to the company, go and talk to the boss of it, explain him what he
would gain from it, tell him/her everything you can to make him/her
interested (but don´t lie). Once you get his attention, you can start
talking about the price. You first ask them if they were be interested in
the project offer you made them. If yes, just ask what would be affordable
to them, ask enough questions to get to know what they would be ready to
pay. They probably don´t want to tell you anything about the price, but
try to read between the lines and then make them an offer, "would $... be
acceptable for you?". If not, keep talking until you have agreed on

Well, yes it isn´t as easy at it my seem, it isn´t easy at all, but that`s
one possibility. And I think this kind of approach should go mainly for
small-medium sized businesses. And it`s just for starters.

Siim Einfeldt

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