We have a series of subscribed e-mails that go out to customers, you know
"Forgot your password?" type thing. Theses are generated by a PHP process
and as such carry PHP/Apache's process ID.

The problem is that some of our customers are now blocking mail from user
'nobody', regardless if the account exists or not. I can have PHP write the
complete headers but that doesn't stop the 'from' header in Sendmail being
written (the true user process). I have two choices as I see it.

1) Use 'masquerade_envelope' feature in Sendmail
2) Change the process name PHP/Apache is running under
    (ex: change the unprivledged user 'nobody' to 'fantasic-elastic')

Has anyone experienced this yet? Any suggestions as to which would be the
best solution? I'm leaning towards changing the user of PHP/Apache simply
because it doesn't cause a reliance on Sendmail.


Dave Goodrich
Director of Interface Development
Reality Based Learning Company
9521 NE Willows Road, Suite 100
Redmond, WA 98052 
Toll Free 1-877-869-6603 ext. 237
Fax (425) 558-5655 

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