In spite of yor best efforts here, PHP converts the string values to numbers (because 
the strings look like numbers) before doing the comparison.

Force a string comparison by using strcmp and everything will work fine - remember 
that strcmp returns true if the strings are not equal and false if equal.


________________ Reply Header ________________
Subject:        [PHP] comparisons
Author: "Curtis Maurand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:            Sun, 11 Feb 2001 18:47:31 +0000

  I'm having a rather strange problem.  I'm trying to compare two values.  "01" and 
"1".  The variables names that they are submitted under are pick1 and pick2.   i use 
the following code

$mypick1 = strval($pick1);
$mypick2 = strval($pick2);

I then perform the following comparison:

if ($mypick1 == $mypick2)
   $error = 1;
   $errorstring[1] = "Your first pick and second pick are the same.";

However, I get the error that they are equal.

If I call the comparison as foloows:

if(strval($mypick1) == strval($mypick2)
   $error = 1;
   $errorstring[1] = "Your first pick and second pick are the same.";

I still get the error.  Anyone have any ideas?  These two valuse mustbe evaluated as 

Thanks in advance

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