
You can also try Manuel Lemos's form class, which can handle all this and 
many more. Check:


>From the class description:
Class that generates HTML forms supporting:
- XHTML compliant output.
- Keyboard navigation support:
* Attachment of labels with activation keys to each form field.
* Tab navigation order index.
- Built-in server side (PHP based) and client side (Javascript 1.0 or better) 
field validation for:
* E-mail address
* Credit card numbers (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners 
Club, Carte Blanche, enRoute, JCB, any of these or even determined by a 
select field).
* Regular expressions.
* Field not empty.
* Field equal to another (useful for password confirmation fields).
* Field different from another (useful for reminder fields that must not be 
equal to the actual password).
* As set (for check boxes and radio buttons).
* As integer number (with range limitation).
* As floating point number (with range limitation).
* Programmer defined client and server validation functions.
- Ability to stop the user from submiting a form more than once inadvertdly.
- Sub form validation (validate only smaller set of field depending on the 
submit button that was used).
- Composition and generation of the form HTML output with fields displayed as 
fully accessible or in read-only mode.
- Generation of Javascript functions (useful to set to the page ONLOAD event):
* Set the input focus to a field.
* Select the text of a field.
* Set the input focus and select the text of a field.
* Enable and disable input fields
- Automatic capitalization of the text of a field:
* Upper case.
* Lower case.
* Word initials
- Etc.

Meir Kriheli

  There's someone in my head, but it's not me - Pink Floyd

On Thursday 15 February 2001 01:01, Augusto Cesar Castoldi wrote:
> with the password you can use the funcio srtlen:
> $number_of_chars=strlen($password);
> Where are the right password? On a database??
> In the site http://www.hotscripts.com you'll find a lot of script exemplos
> in PHP and JavaScript to verify if a e-mail typed is right.
> Augusto Cesar Castoldi
> On Wed, 14 Feb 2001, Brandon Feldhahn wrote:
> > how can i make somthing that nows if there are 6-12 chars in a password
> > field. Also how do you make somthing the know is the password, and the
> > password confermation is the same. And finnally i need a script that
> > know if they filled all the form fields, and one that know if they put
> > and "@" in there e - mial
> >
> > sorry for all the request but i just cant find it anywere and i need a
> > little help to get my buissness going
> >
> > -Thank you for you time
> > Brandon

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