it's such a complex question and answer that i really think
you need to ponder some more fundamental design concepts
before you ask for advice on actually coding the thing...

such as what type of database layout fits the type of
information you will be storing/searching/retrieving,
how you want to categorize the information in your
database, how the interface will look and operate
(do you want to allow boolean expressions, or just
search for any occurence of any word in the search field)

to get a very simple searcher thing working, it's not very
hard (ive done it in perl/MySQL for a site that had about 20
static HTML pages and some news stories in a database table)
and it took me about half a day

however, you have to know what you want to accomplish
beforehand or else you'll bang your head against the wall
quite often during development :)

if you're going for an exremely simple searcher with few features
and not too much flexibility, i'd reccomend creating a keyword
lookup table that simply relates keywords to the thing they
refer to (HTML page, PHP page, etc...)

the table might look a bit like this, if you had two pages and
a total of two keywords:
key    | page
"foo" | "firewall.html"
"bar" | "vpn.html"
"bar" | "firewall.html"

then, when people entered either "foo" or "bar" (or "foo bar")
into your search field, the resulting query would be a list of
pages that were associated with either (or both) of those keywords.

"foo" = "firewall.html"
"bar" = "vpn.html"
"foo bar" = "firewall.html" and "vpn.html"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brandon Feldhahn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 23:07
> Subject: [PHP] search
> How do i make a php and MySQL search engine?

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