Thanks to all the replies to my previous email on arrays (passing arrays through URLs) 
but I cannot seem to get serialize() to work correctly so I'm now trying to echo out 
the array as a series of hidden elements in a form that when submitted will re-build 
the array.
I've been driving myself mad with this problem for some time now an I hope that 
someone can help me with this.
 I'm trying to insert into a table called options an option_type (eg shape), an 
option_value (eg square) and product_code (a six digit code).
 I want this table to be filled from a web form with check boxes (which are called 
from the same table with a code of XXX so that I know they are possible options for 
any product).
I can do this and have got the code below generated

<tr><td colspan='3'><i><b>Colour</b></i></td></tr>
 <td><input type="checkbox" name="form_options[Colour][]" value="Red">Red</td>
 <td><input type="checkbox" name="form_options[Colour][]" value="Violet">Violet</td>
 <td><input type="checkbox" name="form_options[Colour][]" value="Green">Green</td>
 <td><input type="checkbox" name="form_options[Colour][]" value="Blue">Blue</td>
<tr><td colspan='3'><i><b>Size</b></i></td></tr>
 <td><input type="checkbox" name="form_options[Size][]" value="A3">A3</td>
 <td><input type="checkbox" name="form_options[Size][]" value="A4">A4</td>
 <td><input type="checkbox" name="form_options[Size][]" value="A5">A5</td>

>From the options table that looks like this:
type - value - code
colour - red - XXX
colour - blue - XXX
colour - violet - XXX
colour - geen - XXX
size - A3 - XXX
size - A4 - XXX
size - A5 - XXX

I think this html form code  is right so that when the form is submitted the an array 
$form_options will be generated
now here is my problem:
I don't know how to output the array to a html <input type=hidden> fields so that I 
can safly pass the array form page to page or so that I can then do inserts into the 
here is as close as I have gotten :

foreach ($form_options as $arrayType){
   $type = ($arrayType[$i]);
    foreach ($arrayType as $value){
  echo("Option :". $type ." Value :". $value . "<br>");
but this code only produces :
Option :Red Value :Red
Option :Red Value :Violet
Option :Red Value :Green
Option :Red Value :Blue
Option :A4 Value :A3
Option :A4 Value :A4
Option :A4 Value :A5

I can't seem to find the 'Type' value that should be in the array.

Can anyone help me with this code as I DESPERATLY need it.

Thanks again  

PS sorry for the long winded explaination but I hope I was clear enough in what my 
aims are.

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