>>>>> "a" == andrew  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 > Hi, is there a quick way to create an array of integers, randomized
 > and without repeats?

 > e.g. if my set is 1 - 10, create an array whoese key values are 1
 > through 10, with corresponding key values as a random set of the
 > same 1 through 10??

 > thanks in advance for any suggestions :) andrew

Yeah, this will give you an array of the numbers 1 - 10 in random
order. If you want a different range, change the parameters to suit.

function rand_array( $start, $finish ) {
  srand ( (double) microtime() * 1000000);
  $rand_array = range( $start, $finish );
  // it really irritates me the way PHP's sort functions mess around
  // with the original array rather than returning a sorted array so
  // I can assign it to where I want it.
  shuffle( $rand_array ); 
  return $rand_array;

print_r( rand_array(1, 10) );


Robin Vickery.................................................
BlueCarrots, 14th Floor, 20 Eastbourne Terrace, London, W2 6LE

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