
To quote from a previous e-mail from some one else:

If register_globals is true, the variable is also available in the
global scope as $rosen (as in Rosen's example).
If this does not work, it would seem that register_globals is not set [in
the php.ini file].

On 2/20/01 9:16 AM this was written:

> Hello friends.
> I am new to php4 which I am running on an intel machine with NT4 sp6 and
> IIS4.
> I have 2 forms name.php and username.php When I run the name.php, and click
> "submit data" button, the username.php does not appear. I have both the
> files in the same directory which is c:\inetpub\wwwroot. Appears to me that
> the FORM ACTION is not working and my username.php is noyt called. Can
> someone please help me and advise what I am doing wrong.
> <HTML>
> <!-- Name.php -->
> <BODY>
> <FORM ACTION="Processform.php" METHOD=POST><BR><BR>
> Please enter your name here :
> <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="username"><BR><BR>
> </FORM>
> </BODY>
> </HTML>
> <HTML>
> <!-- processform.php -->
> <BODY>
> <?php
> echo ("Welcome, " . $username . "!")
> ?>
> </BODY>
> </HTML>


Thomas Deliduka
IT Manager
New Eve Media
The Solution To Your Internet Angst

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