OK, sorry, I read your post in a hurry.
Something like this should work:

        <A HREF="the_next_page.php?id=$row[id]">Do Something</A>

On the next page you'd have:

        $sql = "Do Something WHERE id = '$id'";

By the way, you don't necessarily have to go to a different page in the
sense of a different file ... all your 'pages' can be part of the one php
script divided up like this:

        if ($action == 'delete') { do delete stuff }
        elseif ($action == 'full') { do full display }
        else { just do the default }

In that case, the line above would be more like:

        <A HREF="the_same_page.php?action=delete&id=$row[id]">Do

Hope this is helpful.


On Sat, 3 Mar 2001, george wrote:

> Thanks Michael,
>             but what I plan on doing is pulling the name,subject and email
> address out of the db, then giving the option to view the full message, but
> i have had to do this using a form so my code looks like
> <tr><form metod=post action=view_enq.php><input type=hidden name=id
> value=$row[id]><td bgcolor=#ffffcc>$row[title] $row[name]</td><td
> bgcolor=#ffffcc>$row[subject]</td
> >";
> echo
> "<td  bgcolor=#ffffcc>$row[email]</td><td align=center
> bgcolor=#ffffcc><input type=submit name=submit value=view></td></form></
> tr>";
> }
> echo "</table></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>";
>  I plan to add hidden fields for all the information pulled out the db my
> question is this how do you pass variables into the next page without using
> a form.
> can it be done say instead of a form there was a link next to each message
> which said view, clicking on this takes you to a page where you read the
> full mail, then there are another 2 links on for reply and one for
> delete.How could that be done
> Thanks in advance
> george
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