Hi all,

I asked the question a couple of weeks ago and started off some kind of

I don't want to spark things off again, so if anyone wants to reply, fine -
if not, fine too.

The program,mers here have had a go with Perl and got halfway before other
work pressures have put this on the back burner (at least another week).

I'd still like to do this with PHP and would like some guidance at
nitty-gritty level rather than on the concept (but a bit of that as well).

My text file has a return at the end of every field and the only thing that
separates the records is the name of the company who supplied the file.

Within each 'field' there are subfields, with a completely different
separator '|'.

I expect to start by doing a quick and dirty search replace for the '|x'
with '[return]|x', adding spaces to pad the label out so that the following
value will match the start position of other values.

My plan is then to loop through the file and create an array for each field
with the key set to the field label and the value set to the 'value' (of

I need to take account of duplicate field labels within some records by
adding an index to each field label (nested loop).

Finally, I need to gather these arrays into a bigger array set at record

Can anyone see any flaws in this approach? I've not done this sort of stuff
for about 5 years, and that was using Frontier on a Mac.

All helpful suggestions appreciated



George Pitcher
HERON Technical Manager
Ingenta plc
23-38 Hythe Bridge Street, Oxford, OX1 2ET
T  +44 (0)1865 799137 direct
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