Poon, Kelvin (Infomart) wrote:

I know this topic was discussed but I deleted my previous mail so I can't go
back and review them.

STFA: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=php-general

My question is, is there a faster way to redirect
html pages other than just using  <meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" CONTENT="1;
URL=login.php"> ?  Is there any way we can do that in php so that it
redirect "FASTER"?  Right now I set the redirect time to be 1 sec, but for
some reason it still takes kind of long until it actually redirects, I was
wondering if there is any other way I can do this faster.

Yes, check out the "header" function. You will pass it a string argument:

  $my_url = "http://php.net/header";; // your URL goeth here
  header("Location: $my_url");

Note that you have to call header /before/ you send output to the browser.


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