
It seems that you are not very well informed about the support for PHP in
Dreamweaver MX.

Actually, starting with the "MX" version, the PHP support is included in the
DWMX core (only for MySQL connectivity, though), but you can visually create
websites with ease. That means that you can visually define a recordset by
selecting the table, fields, order and filtering condition, and the PHP code
is automatically generated for you. Moreover, you will be also able to edit
the generated code by double clicking on the recognized code block.

We are using Dreamweaver MX extensevly for PHP software development, and we
are also active extenders of the products. We have created multiple tools
that improve the DWMX functionalities and add a lot of "enterprise level"
features in the products, that will help you create PHP pages. You'll find
more about this by looking at our products documentations

We have also created a better PHP support (GPL) for DWMX, PHAkt:

See more about our DWMX products (free and commercial) at:

You could also check our Krysalis approach for web developmet (XML/XSL), but
this is a much more complicated approach


Alexandru COSTIN
Chief Operating Officer
+4021 411 2610
"Henrik Hudson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hey List-
> Any one have some input on some good GUI WYSIWYG devel enviroments for
> creating PHP "scriptlets". The boss wants to lose the dependancy on the 2
> "programmers" (myself and another person) for every little piece of PHP
> Of course, the graphic designers have no desire to learn source code, so
> have to see if there are any WYSIWYG's out there that will allow them to
> create code chunks to either do webforms or handle simple variable passing
> between pages?
> My argument is that it is to wide "open" and there are too many variables
> need to be taken into account for this to happen.
> We did look at Dreamweaver MX, but it's PHP support is limited to syntax
> highlighting and being able to insert if and else clauses. I'd tell'em to
> gvim, but I don't think that would fly :) The boss says there are some
> Dreamweaver extensions for doing some of this stuff, but I still question
> their quality for open ended stuff like writing PHP.
> Thanks.
> Henrik
> --
> Henrik Hudson
> You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky
> rocket ship underpants don't help."  Calvin

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