
> > This is a list for questions about PHP.  Look in the titlebar of your
> > browser when you go to www.php.net
> He was asking *where* PHP stands (regarding licenses), not *what* PHP
> stands for. Maybe PHP FAQ should have something about licenses.

Indeed, I did find somehting ... in the licence FAQ (frequently asked question) 
section: http://www.php.net/license/ discusses: (I don't mean to frequently ask :) )

"GPL enforces many restrictions on what can and cannot be done with the licensed code. 
 The PHP developers decided to release PHP under a much more loose license ..." But 
you don't go into any further detail.

What I would like to know is what are the restrictions? A couple of examples would 
suffice. In a nutshell ... Something I can document in an academic paper I am 
presenting on the utility of PHP & MySQL "combination" and how it improved our 
research mindset.

Rasmus: I understand there are differences between GNU.org & OpenSource.org but I 
didn't mean to offend anyone. Sorry Rasmus, but I was surprised you would answer that 
way. Is this a touchy subject? The "General" list should be the correct place to ask?


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