\r shows up as ^M in many unix editors, so if you don't want ^M there, don't put \r into the file

Liam Gibbs wrote:

It looks like you are viewing a dos/windows file on unix. The ^M is
carriage return, which is needed as part of a dos/window end of line
sequence (carriage return, line feed) whereas unix uses just line feed.

Nope. They're UNIX-created and UNIX-modified. Does it matter if I downloaded them onto my PC and then back onto the server? I don't think it should, since I did a global search-and-replace of all those suckers.

On unix (well, a full install of linux) there are the conversion
programs dos2unix and unix2dos. If transferring by ftp, use ASCII not
BINARY transfer.

Yeah, I had this problem a little while ago, and it's back, but doesn't seem to be solvable this time for some reason. Someone suggested that last time, as well, and I haven't been able to get onto it (the server isn't under my control right now, and I'm still trying to get a gd/imagemagick on there).

Someone suggested posting some example code so I can show what's going on.
I'm going to do that when I have a little more time.

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