I did this:

if (!empty($_POST)) {
} else {

And have it in an include file, "extract_post.php".
This way I can just include it and all variables are available, just like if
register_globals had been on.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Wendell Brown
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 4:01 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Variables don't pass... *sniff*

On Wed, 28 May 2003 12:46:50 +0100, David Grant wrote:

>I would've thought that $HTTP_*_VARS will be deprecated sometime in the
>future.  It might be an idea to write your own accessor methods, e.g.
>function RetrieveGetParameter($parameterValue)

Egads!  Wouldn't the following be a little simpler?

At the top of the file put.....

if( is_array($_POST) )
  $pArray = $_POST;
  $pArray = $HTTP_POST_VARS;

Then access $pArray["fred"] where ever you want to?  And yes, I know
this creates a second copy of the post array in local memory (wouldn't
pointers be nice right about now), but if the post array is going to be
accessed a lot, it would seem to be faster to copy it once than to call
the function over and over.  :)

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