
I did a family photo gallery, and from my experiences it would be best if you 
handle the thumbnail generation during the upload process.  Just make sure you 
have a naming convention or link the thumnail into your repository/DB so you 
don't loose that space when you delete the record.  It really does not consume 
too much space, pretty easy to do, and a lot easier to manage if you do it in 
your control environment.

> Ok,
> I know thumbnails have been discussed and I have looked at the archives, I
> am just looking for opinions.  I am doing a small website for a used vehicle
> dealer.  I need to make it as easy as possible for him to add new vehicles.
> I plan to just give him a form for the information, and a place to upload a
> picture.  The main page will have the thumbnails of all the vehicles and as
> you click on each one, you will see the normal sized photo.
> Should I:
> 1.  Allow him to upload one picture and then somehow generate a thumbnail
> from that?
>    If so, should I generate the thumbnail when the picture is uploaded and
> keep the original picture and the thumbnail on the
> server or
>    generate the thumbnail on the fly when the page is loaded...and only
> store the original picture?
> 2.  Should I have him generate thumbnails and upload both pictures to the
> server?
> Thanks,
> Eddie
> -- 
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