Ok I am attempting to do something very simple and I know it can be done, but I have been told otherwise. I have two select menu's, Products and Components. There is a one to many relationship between them (one product can have many components). I just want it so that when the user selects an entry in Products, Components get dynamically loaded (I know I gotta do somethign with onchange="" but not sure what).
Value of Products and Components are being pulled form a database.

Someone told me the only way to do this is to load all the values of components into an array and pass it around. Thats just dont' sound right to me.

I was thinking perhaps I can just do somthing like onchange="PHP_SELF?product=<value>". No I know thats not the syntax but you get the idea =)

Any help would be appreciated. Please keep in mind i have very very little knowledge of javascript.

Vijay Avarachen

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