At 6/2/2003 02:44 PM, Vijay Avarachen wrote:

> I know I gotta do somethign with onchange=""

That's Javascript, not PHP.

> I was thinking perhaps I can just do somthing like onchange="PHP_SELF?product=<value>". No I
> know thats not the syntax but you get the idea =)

That won't "dynamically load" anything. If you use onchange to submit the form to a new PHP page, the user will see it refresh every time they make a change. It won't work automatically.

> Please keep in mind i have very very little knowledge of javascript.

All the more reason for you to ask Javascript questions on a Javascript mailing list, this one's for PHP. And, since PHP is server-side and Javascript is client-side, what you want to do cannot be done with PHP.

S. Keller
UI Engineer
The Health TV Channel, Inc.
(a non - profit organization)
3820 Lake Otis Pkwy.
Anchorage, AK 99508
907.770.6200 ext.220
907.336.6205 (fax)

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