> > You might want to look around the jakarta projects and ask questions on
> > some of those mailing lists.
> Thanks for the advice. I'll try that. But I *would* like to hear the 
> opinions of PHP'ers too. I'm worried that by asking people on that list 
> Ill get one-sided views.

Of COURSE you'll get one-sided opinions over there. No, actually,
they're mostly pretty open-minded.

I think I recall a thread or two on one or both of the lists I mentioned
comparing JSP with tomcat and maybe struts to php. You should be able to
find it on marc or one of the other places that archives the jakarta

Hmm. "php" seems to get a lot of unrelated hits for some reason, but I
notice that some people seem to have apache, tomcat, and php all running

> What do PHP people who've tried jsp or struts think?
> > (tomcat is an open source java server that can be used with or without
> > apache, and struts is an application framework.)
> The jsp'ers that I talked with could not stop praising struts ... which 
> is what got me interested in finding out more and maybe even switching.

Yeah, and the guys who developed struts are already working on something
even better ...

> I just hope that if I do decide that struts are worth the switch the 
> learning curve isn't too steep. Or the installation curve also since I'm 
> the lone sysadmin too ...

Well, it was pretty steep for me because I was trying to pick up Java
and objects at the same time. I think you'll have less trouble if you
already are comfortable with Java. 


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