> Thanks for your input.
> Yes I am already planning on using the book for extra information for the
> course, knowing I won't cover all the chapters in the book in such a short
> time.  I won't get into things like GD(images) or things like creating PDF
> files dynamically. I plan to in the future create 1 or 2 day workshops on
> move advance topics like GD, etc..  This course is just to get their feet
> wet and interested in PHP.  I have taught an ASP course for over 5 years and
> finally convinced the college to let me change it to PHP.

Hey, I just taught myself php from the on-line docs at


and some good sample source. I'm thinking I'd focus less on the book and
more on choosing good samples. 

I personally like O'Reilly books in general. But I haven't seen their
PHP offerings, so I'll refrain from actually recommending anything there.


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