hello all,

I am trying to use either of the functions above to execute a compiled c
program on linux.  The command line works with ./a.out (a.out being the
filename).  Both my test.php and the exe are in the same directory. 
I've tried combinations of all the following. Thx Mignon

error_reporting (E_ALL);
error_reporting  (E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);

echo "Here it comes:";

$var1 = exec(a.out);
echo $var1;//produces:Here it comes:
                //tried "a.out"'a.out'"./a.out"'./a.out'


$var = passthru(a.out, $ret);
echo $var;//produces:(nothing)
echo $ret;//produces: 127


$var2 = system(a.out);
echo $var2; //produces:(nothing)


$var6 = "./a.out";
$var7 = exec($var6, $var_array[], $ret_var);
echo $var7;//produces:(nothing)
echo $var_array[];//produces:Array
echo $ret_var;//produces:127
echo $var6;//produces:(nothing)


$var3 = exec('./a.out', $var_array[], $ret_var);
echo $var3;//produces:Here it comes

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