$setup_filename = "/path/to/file/on/the/server/";

$fd = fopen($setup_filename , 'a');  #a for appending to file, w to write
from the beginning checkout php.net for more details on fopen

$report = "";
#Apply any re-ordering of the Post array here to you 'logical' order
# look at the  manual for asort, ksort, etc

foreach ($HTTP_POST_VARS as $index => $value) {
    $report = "key:".$index." => ".$value."\n";

fwrite($fd, $report );

"Kyle Babich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
I have a form (setup.php) that passes values to processSetup.php when they
are written into setup.txt.  I'm trying to instead of writing every
idividual value into setup.txt from setup.php, write a loop that will take
as many values as there are in the $_POST array and write them all into a
single array in logical order in setup.txt.  I'm new to php and can't figure
out how to do this.  I'm thinking of something like...

for ($_POST) {
     fwrite($setup, /*something to add current $_POST value to the end of an
array within $setup*/);

How should I go about this?

Thank you,

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