Isn't Call-time pass-by-reference the following

$variable = myFunction1(&$x); Where
myFunction1() is defined as function myFunction1($x)

Where as pass-be-reference is called as
$variable = myFunction2($x); Where is defined as function myFunction2

I think the latter is better anyways, because the caller shouldn't know the
internals of  the function, so you don't know if the function will copy the
argument and use that instead.

"Dorgon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Maybe, there's a setting for this in php.ini.
> yes. there is:
>  >>declaration of [runtime function name](). If you would like to enable
>  >>call-time pass-by-reference, you can set
>  >>allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file.
> > "pass-by-reference" has not been dropped, it is "Call-time
> > which is being deprecated.
> so call-time pass-by-reference is giving parameters as reference to
> functions, e.g.
> function returnObjectToAccumulator(&$obj) {...}
> If this feature is really dropped, how would you implement
> ConnectionPools for DB-connections for instance, or any classes
> managing a set of object and providing them by returning references?
> many OOP design patterns (primarily adopted from java) would not be
> possible anymore. I think this would be worth talking about.
> Is there any plausible reason for that decision?
> /dorgon

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