
Friday, June 20, 2003, 7:42:48 AM, you wrote:
SÖ> Hi, I’m having this problem:

SÖ> I set a cookie using this:

SÖ>                         $sql = "UPDATE member SET cookie=$cookie WHERE
SÖ> ".
SÖ>                           "id = $this->id";
SÖ>                         $this->mysql->query($sql);
SÖ>                         $cookie =
SÖ> urlencode(serialize(array($_SESSION['username'], $cookie)));
SÖ>                         setcookie('auth', $cookie, time() + 31104000,
SÖ> '/', 'www.reddast.is');

SÖ> And then when I check the cookie using this:

SÖ>                 list($username, $cookie) =
SÖ> @unserialize(urldecode($cookie));

SÖ> using this query:

SÖ>                 "SELECT * FROM member WHERE (username = $username) AND
SÖ> (cookie = $cookie)";

SÖ> it looks like this when I debug the script and see the actual query that
SÖ> is sent to Mysql:

SÖ>                 "SELECT * FROM member WHERE (username = 'ofjord') AND
SÖ> (cookie = '\'86aa5f7e6469efe09a17089957f59b0f\'')";

SÖ> I hope someone has any answers on this.

SÖ> Best regards,
SÖ> Sævar Öfjörð Magnússon

SÖ> --
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Try base64 encoding/decoding it instead of urlencode


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