On Jun 25, 2003, "Ow Mun Heng" claimed that:

|Can someone help explain how I can perform a benchmark on the queries or
|Mun Heng, Ow
|H/M Engineering
|Western Digital M'sia
|DID : 03-7870 5168
Do it many times and time it.

Registered Linux user #304026.
"lynx -source http://jharris.rallycentral.us/jharris.asc | gpg --import"
Key fingerprint = 52FC 20BD 025A 8C13 5FC6  68C6 9CF9 46C2 B089 0FED
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require_once ("Benchmark/Timer.php");
require_once ("DB.php");
$timer = new Benchmark_Timer;
$dblink=DB::connect("mysql://$dbuser:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/$dbname");
$SQLQuery="SELECT * FROM table";
for ($i = 1; $i <= 1000000000; $i++) {
    $insert= $dblink->query($SQLQuery);

print("Total execution time: ");
print($timer-> timeElapsed());
print(" seconds.\n");

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