> [snip]
> I have a chat script. I want it to refresh the chat
> display area
> whenever there is a new message posted, but not
> every 10 seconds or so.
> How could I get the script to refresh only when
> there is a new entry
> into the database table?
> [/snip]
I have implemented something along these lines for an
online chess game (so the board would only refresh
when the other player moves).  It did require a loop,
as suggested.  I used a hidden IFRAME to check the
data.  Basically, I would refresh the page referred to
by the IFRAME every 10 seconds or so, and this page
contained JavaScript that invoked a function on the
containing page.  The JavaScript function on the
containing page would then refresh the page when the
parameter passed to it indicated that the other player
had moved.  I did implement the site using PHP, but
this really isn't a PHP specific approach.  

I imagine you would do something very similar for chat
(in fact, I had been considering implementing it for
the online chess site so that the users could send
messages to each other during the course of the game).

And there is a performance issue if you are going to
support a lot of users at one time; however, at least
it is not as bad as refreshing the entire page every
10 seconds (this would be particularly disastrous for
my chess board, which contained many images).

There are a number of references that talk about this
trick if you search on "iframe rpc javascript" in


You will still get the clicking, tho.  But users' can
disable it if it annoys them -- sometimes it is nice
to know that something is going on.

Hope this helps.


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