With all due respect to everyone, including the alleged spammer, this has been my rule since '84.

If you are in a discussion group, dont advertise something unless someone posts a question where a product would act as a specific solution to their specific need. The advertiser would then be expected to mention how exactly the product advertised affects the output of the question, or solves the problem posed by said question. Obviously, this thread should be either moved to another list or else just killed since spam has no direct links to PHP, nor did Rekall have any direct link to any question posed on the PHP general list.

Ultimately, it is the list moderators responsibility to establish a set of core rules for interaction inside this 'virtual world' we all use to help others learn PHP. I do not know that this list has any core rules defined. On my lists, where rules are not defined, I just delete spammers without warning or notice, and furthermore ban that email address from the list permenantly. But then again, I am just oldschool BOFH from the eighties.

I say let us allow this thread to die and/or let the owners/moderators handle it as they see fit. What if the alleged spammer is friends with Rasmus Lerdorf? Would that affect your opinion? Not mine, but just something to ponder as we allow the dead [posts] to rest in peace.

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