On Mon, Mar 12, 2001 at 06:19:04PM +0530, Harshdeep S Jawanda wrote:
> > On Mon, Mar 12, 2001 at 11:59:37AM +1030, David Robley wrote:
> > > On Mon, 12 Mar 2001 11:54, Thomas Anderson wrote:
> > > > Ok, I've tried time and time again to unsubscribe from php.net's
> > > > mailing list unisubscribe instructions but it doesn't work. So how do I
> > > > get off the list?
> I suppose you must already have tried sending mail to

yes, and i didn't get an error message or bounce.

> Just one small point: is the email address from which you send off your
> unsubscription request the one at which you receive mail from this list?

from the mail header:

Received: from toye.php.net (va.php.net []) by
mailhub.open-it.at (Switch-2.1.0.Beta2/Switch-2.1.0.Beta2) with SMTP
id f2CCjYY26922 for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Mon, 12 Mar 2001
13:45:34 +0100

 --> at least the host toye.php.net thinks mail to peter sabaini should
go to [EMAIL PROTECTED], which is the address i tried to
> Another point to consider: it may be that you are subscribed to the list using
> a redirecting email address. If that is the case, you'll have to send your
> unsubscription email from that address. Could you check that up?

according to the ezlm welcome messg. to ezlm i am known as


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