Hello people,

I came with this problem to the group a while back, got some suggestions,
and have been working on them since then. I know post the query again from a
new perspective

I have a mysql database, which contains a lot of email addresses and various
other fields. My PHP code generates a list of email addresses based on
certain criteria, and I have to send a fixed text body to each of these
email addresses. This is my mailing list server. The idea was to be able to
send out multiple mailing lists using the same database

The mail is sent using fsockopen and SMTP commands, I loop over each email

The problem was the users were getting multiple copies of the email. After
much frustration, I found that what was happening was that the script would
start sending email (this process would take many minutes). However before
this script finished, another copy of the same script started, and this new
copy was sending emails to the same users again. The original script
continued. Result: duplicate emails

I tried setting the script timeout to a large value, but no effect.

I have managed to catch (and stop) the execution of the second copy, and
hence prevent duplicate mails, but I have no idea _why_ this copy was being
spawned... Can anybody help me out here? I would really appreaciate any


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