Paul Chvostek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've got this new server running with folks from all over uploading PHP
> code.  I don't know all the folks, so I've turned on safe_mode, set an
> open_basedir to each user's documentroot, and left register_globals at
> its default.
> And now I'm getting scads of requests to turn on register_globals from
> folks who want to run php-nuke and some other established packages that
> rely on it.

You could trick em and set error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_WARNING, and
just say they need to get the software fixed :)

> I realize that register_globals isn't itself unsafe ... but do the
> potential insecurities put my server at risk, or only customer data?

no server risks as far as I know, just security flaws in the

> By turning register_globals on with an otherwise safe open_basedir,
> are there things that could be revealed about the server that would
> otherwise be hidden?
> My instinct says to leave register_globals OFF, and if folks want to run
> software that requires it, they should lobby the software maintainers to
> upgrade the software.  (But how likely is php-nuke to get fixed?)

I would tend to agree with you.  Some influence on it  depends on wether
php is going to remove the ability to turn register_globals on and off
through the config.

As a developer myself, I'd rather see safer programming techniques

> Thoughts?
> -- 
>   Paul Chvostek                                             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   Operations / Abuse / Whatever
>   it.canada, hosting and development         

Not much but I hope it gave ya my view point on it anyway



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