> I have to convince one guy to not move our site from Linux box where
> it runs with Apache/PHP + MySQL to Windows box where it's going to deal
> with Windows 2k/IIS/PHP(CGI) + MySQL and I need really good arguments,
> cause it's only way I can convince him (cause his position in company
> is much stronger than mine).

Firstly Sebastian I would try to find out his reasoning for it - there may
be something that you don't know. ie, does he have something else that he
wishes to run on the same server that will only run under a Windows box?

> I know that PHP under windows is intended to be used only as test
> platform, but this is not enough to convince him.

I disagree with you on this :)  Although I generally push for Linux wherever
I can, the reality is that many clients do run Windows exclusively for
internal operations and don't have the in-house capability to manage Linux
boxes.  We have quite a number of installations that run fine under Windows.

> Can you help me? I need some reasons like things that won't work under
> windows version of PHP (or at least MySQL) and that are not easy to
> fix. I've already found that IIS doesn't provide
> $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] but it's not too much work to fix that..

I'd suggest trying to work with the guy rather than against him.  Find out
his reasoning and then this way you can look at the positive and negative
aspects of what he is trying to do. I know that this isn't the answer that
you were expecting, but it's the approach that I would take


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