* Thus wrote Wan Do Ke ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Here its the scenario:
> i have a table with campo1x, campo1y, campo2x, campo3y, ..... campo10x,
> campo10y on the table ejes
> so what i need to do is to split an array that i send to this page on php ..
> and include the values on this fields (but only on the fields that the $num
> its writen)
> (this is make by this way because the data is from flash)
> <?php
> $propiedades= array("x","y");
> // this values came from a $_POST (not now but they will)
> $ejey ="1,2,3,4";
> $ejex = "1,3,22,4";
> $num= "1,2,5,7";
> $valx = split(",", $ejex);
> $valy = split(",", $ejey);

It might make it easier if you set up your val as:
  $val['x'] = split(",", $ejex);
  $val['y'] = split(",", $ejey);

> $numo= split(",", $num);
> for ($i = 0; $i < count($numo) ; $i++) {

>      for ($e = 0; $e < 2 ; $e++) {
  // then: and the current propiedades 
         $thispropiedads = $propiedades[$e];
>               // here its campo1x so then on the update i know wich field i have to
> update...
>               // the problem is that i dont know how can i retrive the value of $valx
> and $valy
>             // this is OK .. because i know the name of the field that i
> have to update... my problem is to catch the value !
>                       $a="campo" .$numo[$i] . $propiedades[$e];
        // just to use the vars i set up
        $a = "campo" . $numo[$i] . "$thispropiedads";
>              /* this is WRONG ! i need $valy[0] or $valx[0] values checking
> with $propiedades[$e]
>                $b="\$val" . $propiedades[$e]. [$e];
       // i think your mistake originally is that last $e should
       // be $i instead..

       // Using the array I setup above would be:
       $b = $val[$thispropiedads][$i];
>               */
>               // wrong the $b
>               $result2 = mysql_query("UPDATE ejes SET $a='$b'", $Connect);
>      }
> }
> ?>

That should work.

btw, next time Compose a new message when starting a new topic.

"I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure."

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