
Thanks to all that tried to help, but I found part of the problem - sort
of. In the file that I am trying to redirect to I have a form with the

<FORM onSubmit="return checkrequired(this)" ACTION="season-write.php"
action="post" name="testing">

It appears this line was corrupt somehow. After I rewrote the line from
scratch it solved the problem of my paths being screwed up - why - I
have no idea. Maybe it had some weird control characters or something
that was screwing things up.

However, there is still a problem with the header function - it still
will not redirect. I got around this by using a small javascript I found
which seems to do the trick. I'd still be curious as to why the header
will not work, but at this point I'm ecstatic that it works at all.

                        if(isset($_SESSION['goto'])) {
                        <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
                        <!-- Begin
                        window.location="<? echo ".." .
$_SESSION['goto']; ?>";
                        // End -->
                        <? exit; }
                        else {
                                $loginmessage = $loginsuccess;

My apologies again if I came off bitchy, but I have been a week at this.


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