
MM> troll. :)

MM> Execution speed is most definitely /not/ all that matters, though it
MM> really depends on the situation. It is often cheaper to throw
MM> CPU/storage/RAM at a problem than it is to spend more developer time,
MM> especially when one of the considerations is future maintenance or
MM> upgrades. In regards to education, OOP-techniques and other lisp-isms
MM> evolved in academic settings, in response to concerns about code
MM> portability, maintenance, and elegance. Academic code frequently
MM> sacrifices speed in the service of technique.

I have just done a test to see how much is lost with using classes by
changing a template class I use back to functions and globals.
Over 10 iterations of a template file with 100 blocks the average speedup per
iteration was 1.8ms on a total of 19ms (the class version)
So the gains made by using a class structure far outway any loss of
speed in my opinion.

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