On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 04:18, Comex wrote:
> Lars Torben Wilson:
> > On Wed, 2003-07-23 at 18:21, Daryl Meese wrote:
> >> Well, I know I am not running the latest version of PHP but I don't
> >> believe this is accurate.  I believe PHP case sensitivity is based
> >> on the os that processes the file.  Can anyone clear this up.
> >>
> >> Daryl
> >
> >
> > OK: you're mistaken. If you're correct, it's a bug. I'm pretty sure we
> > would have heard about it by now. :)
> >
> > But give it a try and post your results (I don't have a Win PHP box
> > set up right now, myself).
> PHP 4.3.2 and 5.0.0b1 on Windows
> <?php
> $a = "set";
> print '$A is '; print isset($A) ? 'set' : 'unset'; print '<br>';
> print '$a is '; print isset($a) ? 'set' : 'unset';
> ?>
> $A is unset
> $a is set

Thanks. The same file on Linux PHP 4.3.2 produces the same output. The
manual is correct: variable names in PHP are case-sensitive, full
stop. It is not dependent upon the OS.

This is explained here:


Thanks for the Win test, Comex!



 Torben Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                        +1.604.709.0506
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