Thanks for the response Chris, that's just the type of thing I was looking for!

So, I'm thinking a plausible session id could be made by hashing their identification (to make it useful to the rightful owner only) with a private key (to make it hard to get and guess). I think the identification could be their IP, user agent, and maybe one or two more constant headers. The private key, of course, could be anything unguessable and kept secure.

This leads me to one more question - would it be better to pass this by PUTing it in the URL or generating it at the start of each page. Passing is pretty simple, but I think generating it has the added benefit of the end user being unable to forge it because it never leaves the server or comes from the client. Does this seem reasonable and worthwhile? (I have a habit of overcomplicating things like this :-))

Thanks again,


Chris Shiflett wrote:
--- "Matthew A. Blasinski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My question - what is the best way to "know" the session id between pages? Posting it in the URL and using $_GET["PHPSESSID"] is one solution, but this seems like a hassle and is also open to attack if someone could "guess" a valid session ID.

As a side note, you should probably use a word like "put" to describe placing
data in the URL like that, because "post" refers to a different method
altogether. :-)

As for session IDs, there are basically three ways you can have the client send
that to you:

1. In a Cookie header
2. In the URL
3. In the content section (POST)

These are all quite open to attack, especially over non-SSL connections (which
is the more popular case). In your case, cookies are probably not an option if
you are dealing with multiple domains. At the very least, they can only help to
track a session on one domain, and you'll have to develop a way to transfer the
session across domains anyway. POST is sort of a hassle, because you have to
make sure every request from your users is a POST. So, sending data in the URL
is probably your best choice.

Try to focus on two tasks as you try to secure this data transfer:

1. Try to make the session ID hard to get and hard to guess.
2. Try to make a stolen session ID useless to anyone but the rightful owner.

Too often, developers try to focus on (and depend on) task 1. While trying to
keep session IDs secret is good, task 2 is at least equally as important.

How do you achieve this? Consider an HTTP request from your legitimate user:

GET /blah.php?session_id=1234 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla (Gecko) Linux

There are usually many more headers, but this example will suffice. Now,
depending on specific HTTP headers is never a good plan (you might notice
people warning against depending on the Referer header), but this is only if
you do this for every user. The headers that the *same* user sends are going to
be much more consistent. In the above example, you can be pretty certain that,
regardless of HTTP proxies or anything else, the user is going to send the same
User-Agent header in each request. So, why not store this in the session (on
the server), and check to make sure it matches every time? This approach
shouldn't adversely affect your users, but it should complicate impersonation.

And that is how you play the game of security - try to make things easy for the
good guys and hard for the bad guys. By adding this simple User-Agent check, a
bad guy can't just use a stolen session ID to impersonate someone. The bad guy
has to also send the same User-Agent header. Can this be done? Sure, and it's
not too hard, but it is something, and everything helps.

Hopefully this can get your creative juices flowing.


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Matt Blasinski (mbv)
Internet Infrastructure Applications Technology
Division of Information Technology
3121 Computer Science and Statistics
1210 West Dayton Street
Madison WI 53706
Work (608) 262-2286
Cell (608) 206-4098

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