Chris Shiflett wrote:
--- "Matthew A. Blasinski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So, I'm thinking a plausible session id could be made by hashing
their identification (to make it useful to the rightful owner
only) with a private key (to make it hard to get and guess). I
think the identification could be their IP, user agent, and maybe
one or two more constant headers. The private key, of course,
could be anything unguessable and kept secure.

A few comments...

This session ID doesn't have to be generated from any user data. It can be a
completely random and unique string that you generate for any user who arrives
at your site without an active session. Even though it is probably very
difficult to reverse or guess a valid ID from your method above, the extra risk
isn't necessary.

Also, the IP address isn't a very good piece of data to use, because it is not
necessarily consistent. So, while it might make things harder for the bad guys
(to spoof the good guy's IP), it could also can make things hard for the good
guys (they are AOL users, lose their modem connection, etc.).

Thanks for everyone's responses. I was thinking the IP would be usable for tracking users, and a lot of people have pointed out that's not the case. So, I'll probably go with passing it in the URL.

Thanks again,

Matt Blasinski (mbv)
Internet Infrastructure Applications Technology
Division of Information Technology
3121 Computer Science and Statistics
1210 West Dayton Street
Madison WI 53706
Work (608) 262-2286
Cell (608) 206-4098

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