On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 04:51:38PM +0100, skate wrote:
> >
> > you could also use different delimiters and write for example:
> > '/.*?(hello.*going).*/' or '[.*?(hello.*going).*]' the regular
> > expression itself is merely ".*?(hello.*going).*" which matches the
> > whole string and replaces it by the first matching expression
> > sourrounded in by ()s (thats the '$1').
> >
> >
> just a minor correction, i don't believe you could use
> '[.*?(hello.*going).*]' as the delimiters have to be the same character.

http://php.net/manual/en/ref.pcre.php :

"... Since PHP 4.0.4, you can also use Perl-style (), {}, [],
and <> matching delimiters. ..."

> the reason you use delimiters is so that you can use PREG modifiers after
> the last delimiter, but still inside the expression. read up in the manual,
> as the posibilities of PREG are enourmous...

full ACK :)
> -skate-

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