Hi all,

I have a question about localizing PHP scripts.  I understand that for basic
localization one can have a "strings" file for each language, which contains
string variables and values such as:
        $title = "Welcome!";
        $error = "An error occurred.";

Then, in the scripts just "include" the language file at the beginning and
simply call the strings by their variable names.  The issue I have is when
embedding variables within these strings.  Suppose I need to call the user
by his/her first name, in the strings file I would have a variable like
        $greeting = "Welcome! $first_name";

The problem is, the strings file is loaded at the beginning of the script
before $first_name was set, so the $greeting string will come out as
"Welcome! ", with $first_name being an empty string.  Even if I loaded the
strings file after the $first_name variable is set, the problem still
remains - when $first_name variable is changed, the strings file has to be

What is the best way of dealing with this problem?  Is there a place to find
"best practices" on localizing PHP software?


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