
This is a reply to an e-mail that you wrote on Tue, 5 Aug 2003 at
14:18, lines prefixed by '>' were originally written by you.
> Astrum Et Securis!
> I had a question..
> When I create any field and let data be sent into my mySQL DB
> it.. it goes ok. But when I retrieve it.. the data comes
> unformatted.
> That is.. let's say I fed this in a textarea..
> The
> Man
> Cool.
> If I view the data from my phpMyAdmin or even Command Line mySQL..
> data has gone just this way..
> But when I use mysql_fetch_array() to get the data back from
mySQL, it
> prints as ..
> The Man Is Cool.
> The newline disappears, and I have to use <br>'s while feeding the
> data
> to have the line gaps. What am I doing wrong?

The newlines will be there if you view the source of your page.
Browsers do not render newlines in the source as newlines in the
browser display, as you have found out you have to convert the
newlines to <BR>s.



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