This isn't a php problem as much as an apache problem, however, it is =
webmasters of php sites that would have dealt with this.

Here's the dilemna-

If you use mod_dav to maintain a php application that uses =
username/password authentication for the web app, it doesn't play very =
At least not how I have it set up- which is why I need help ;)

here's how the web application is set up in my httpd.conf:

Alias /obm/ /opt/php/obm/
Alias /obm-src/ /opt/php/obm/

<Directory "/opt/php/obm/">
        Options Indexes MultiViews
        AllowOverride None
        Order allow, deny
        Allow from all
        AuthType Basic
        AuthName webDAV
        AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/conf/dav.user

(further down)

<IfModule mod_dav.c>
        DAVLockDB /var/apache/dav/moddav
        DAVMinTimeout 600
        <Location /obm-src/>
        DAV On
        ForceType text/plain
                Require user webmaster

Works beautifully for webDAV updating of the web application.
However, when a user logs in to the web application, after they enter =
the username and password, they are prompted for a login for the webDAV =
realm, which is not what I want.

If I add the satisfy any directive to the directory authentication- =

<Directory "/opt/php/obm/">
        Options Indexes MultiViews
        AllowOverride None
        Order allow, deny
        Allow from all
        AuthType Basic
        AuthName webDAV
        AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/conf/dav.user
        satisfy any

Then the web applications authentication works perfectly (user not =
prompted for a webDAV realm login after their username/password are =
verified by the php) but this kills security for webDAV file uploading, =
and a webDAV client can connect without username/password.

What I need to do, is only require authentication in the webDAV realm if =
the user is accessing the client through webDAV (i.e. through the =
/obm-src/ alias) but not require webDAV realm authentication if the user =
is accessing through the /obm/ alias

As far as I can tell, apache authentication directives are directory =
based, not url based, which is where my problem is :(
I must define the webDAV authentication method in the =
<Directory></Directory> directive, but I only want it to take effect if =
being accessed through /obm-src/ and NOT take effect if being accessed =
through /obm/

Interestingly enough, this is NOT a problem if the web application uses =
Advanced Authentication to authenticate the users (such as phpMyAdmin) =
but it is a problem if the web application uses typical php =
authentication to authenticate the users. That triggers apache to want =
the realm authentication as well.

Any suggestions or ideas on how to resolve this issue?

I'm sorry for the length of the post...

Michael A. Peters
Abriasoft Senior Developer

Michael A. Peters
Abriasoft Senior Developer

(510)  623-9726x357
Fax: (510) 249-9125

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