----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas Hochstetter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2003 12:54 AM
Subject: RE: [PHP] 2 questions

> The register globals is on with the live server, and off at home (my
> is 4.3.2, the other is 4.1.2). does that matter?
yes, it does matter .. Show me the snippet where u regestering/getting the
session variables if possible.

> Thanks for the other tip, shall try that ...
> Thomas
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Thomas Hochstetter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2003 5:33 PM
> Subject: [PHP] 2 questions
> > Hi guys.
> >
> > I have two questions for you today:
> >
> > 1. Weired login problem
> > I am developinig a site for a conference where i have a login page for
> > members. This page is called index.php and includes different types of
> modules,
> > according to the type of user logged on. The problem is now following:
> > i have a login function hidden in a class, this function registers a
> > of variables. After the user has submited the details, index.php (which
> calls
> > the session_start()) calls the login function. Then i check whether a
> session
> > variable is present ($_SESSION['name']). If yes, we include the members
> > area, otherwise we include the login table again. Now: on my test server
> > (XP/Apache/php4.3.2) all is well. However, on the real server
> (Linux/Apache/php4.0.x)
> > it just includes the login table anyway, even if the login was
> I
> > then have to click on the menu link again to include the member script.
> > Why is that?
> Check your register_globals setting in both ur test server and real server
> and let me know.
> >
> > 2. Save a large amount of text to a file
> > On the same page i have some type of cms going. The admin users can
> > txt files which relate to text on some of the general pages. I have now
> found
> > that it is only transmits a certain amount of text via GET to the
> > that writs to the files. Is there a restriction on passing text via url?
> If yes
> > (which will be the case), how could i do this otherwise?
> Use POST instead of GET method... POST method allows u to even extend the
> size of data being posted.
> Hope this helps...
> >
> > Thanks so long...
> >
> > Thomas
> > P.S: this list still rocks
> >
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