
    It does not.
    session.gc_maxlifetime states that PHP will consider
that garbage, but it will not inform you it did so, neither does
it terminate the session.
    Make an experimet if you want. set the "timeout" 5 minutes,
go for a coffee and come back in 10 minutes. You'll have a surprise
    ; After this number of seconds, stored data will be seen as 'garbage'
    ; cleaned up by the garbage collection process.
    But since the garbage collection does not run on every request...
    So, the gc_maxlife states only that the data is passible for garbage,
collection (much like java) nothing more.
    As for the cookie_lifetime, doesn't work either.


"Marek Kilimajer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Let me corect you.
> Catalin Trifu wrote:
> >         Hi,
> >
> >     No, there is not! You have to manage yourself
> > the timeout, for instance through a timestamp,
> > which you verify on each request. PHP does not
> > destry sessions by itself.
> Yes, it does, check your session.gc_maxlifetime setting (gc stands for
> garbage colector). You cannot change or set this setting per vhost or
> directory. If you want, you can manage the session yourself (see
> session_set_save_handler()) and implement your own expiration routines.
> Anothor thing that can affect session lifetime is the lifetime of
> session cookie, default is set by session.cookie_lifetime.

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